Keep innovating and integrating digital image products for leading the market which is Digilife's consistently mission.

台灣微米科技團隊都在台灣, 秉持台灣人的認真與誠信精神, 對於產品不斷創新, 開發更多實用性並且人性化的產品。對於工業設計更是吹毛求疵, 每個產品都是公司最高主管帶領設計團隊, 親力親為精雕細琢出來的美麗作品, 希望大家在享用科技產品的同時, 也能為裝置空間帶來不一樣的新鮮元素。
Privacy Policy
We don’t collect or by any means save any personal information from your social account, or sell any information to advertisers or other operators.
Personal Information
You may be required to enter account number and password when you share the information through social network. The information, however, is managed by the smart device system. The APP doesn’t save account number and password by any means, and the APP doesn’t collect or save your personal information from social network by any means.
Privacy Policy
Using the APP means you agree the terms and condition of this privacy policy. If you disagree, please do not use the APP. We reserve the rights, in our decision to change, modify, add or remove portions of this policy at any time. Please check this page periodically for any changes. If you continue to use our APP, it will mean that you have accepted these adjustments of terms.
Contact us: hpsupport@wimi.com.tw